How to Form Meaningful Friendships: Key Strategies for Building Connections

How to Form Meaningful Friendships: Key Strategies for Building Connections

Forming new friendships can be both exciting and challenging. Whether you’ve moved to a new city, started a new job, or simply want to expand your social circle, building meaningful connections with others requires effort, patience, and understanding. In this guide, we’ll explore effective strategies backed by research and real-life experiences to help you cultivate lasting friendships.

1. The Importance of Effort and Consistency

One of the fundamental principles of forming new friendships is the willingness to put in effort and consistently show up. Research suggests that repeated exposure to someone increases the likelihood of forming a bond, a concept known as the “mere exposure effect” (Zajonc, R. B. (1968). Attitudinal effects of mere exposure. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 9(2, Pt.2), 1–27.). This means that attending social gatherings, participating in group activities, and staying engaged over time can significantly enhance your chances of making friends.

Many people are willing to put in the effort and consistency, but either don’t know how or lack the confidence to go out on a limb to plan something themselves. Crew can help with that! Think of joining Crew as joining one of the world’s largest social clubs.

Crew reduces the effort that it takes to put in effort by helping to plan fun things to do for you, whether it be volunteering, hiking, meditating, escape rooms or hitting the bars or clubs. Crew also helps you stay connected by continuously planning new things for you and your crews so that you can get the reps and the consistency you need to develop real friendships.

2. “Similar” vs “Compatible” Personalities: Understanding Differences

The debate over whether similarity in personality or complementary personalities form better bases for friendship is ongoing. Some studies suggest that people tend to be attracted to others who share their attitudes, values, interests, and other characteristics. However, forming friendships isn’t solely about seeking out individuals who mirror oneself (although shared interests and values can facilitate connections). Sometimes, it can be more beneficial to seek out individuals whose strengths and perspectives complement one’s own. This diversity can lead to more enriching friendships. Crew’s proprietary technology evaluates both your preferences and personality and suggests crewmates with whom we think you’ll naturally vibe.

3. Building Trust and Vulnerability

Authentic friendships thrive on trust and vulnerability. Research by Reis and Shaver (1988) suggests that self-disclosure—sharing personal thoughts, feelings, and experiences—plays a crucial role in establishing intimacy and closeness in relationships. Crew can eliminate some of the friction historically present in forming new friendships, but it can’t do all of the heavy lifting. It’s up to you to be authentic.


Forming meaningful friendships is a rewarding journey that involves a combination of effort, understanding, and authenticity. By actively participating in social activities, embracing diversity, nurturing trust, respecting boundaries, and investing time in maintaining connections, you can cultivate enriching relationships that contribute to your overall well-being and happiness.

Remember, the process of making friends takes time and patience. Be kind to yourself and others along the way, and enjoy the journey of building genuine connections that may last a lifetime.

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